Friday, June 12, 2009

At last I saw another...

It was a cloudy day.
It didn't start out that way but as the day progressed it sure did cloud up.
And then there she was sitting on a pink flower in the garden room.
Blossom is her name. Isn't she cute?
She has a hat on. Wonder what that's about.
She is only about 6 inches tall.
She has these little wooley pigtails.
I can't wait until we have a real nice day to see what else

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's raining , it's pouring...

The rain just won't go away.
I know there is no use in looking around for them today.
They do not come out in the rain.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What was that bright thing in the sky this morning?

It was bright out this morning at 6:00 am.
I wasn't sure what it was that I saw.
Oh yes, now I remember, it is the sun.
But it did not stay too long.
Just long enough to see one little fairy sitting on the table with
what appeared to be an umbrella.
It was made from a flower it seems.
She was happy.
Maybe because it stopped raining.
I said hello and she did not move.
I wonder if she thought I could not see her.
What is your name I thought, trying not
to upset her.
I thought to myself...
I will call you Lil.
I quietly backed away and let her be.
I don't think they are used to me yet.
I am happy that I found another though.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Another disappointment...

I peeked out the window with apprehension.
Was there one out there today?
It is still rainy but much colder.
I am beginning to think that I've seen all of them now.

I looked out over the glen... and no movement whatsoever.

I looked under the giant fir tree...nothing.

I'll try again tomorrow.
I miss finding them now.
I am becoming obsessed.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rain, rain go away...

All cozy on a rainy day...

Where are they, today?

I tried to find one today but I think the rain is keeping them in hiding.

It is dreary here today.
I don't know where they go when it rains.
Do think they have tiny umbrellas?
Maybe they go underground.
Or are they hiding under the flower petals or leaves?
I'll keep looking. Maybe one will show up after the rain stops.

Friday, June 5, 2009

I looked for more fairies this morning but none showed up.
I thought it was going to be everyday a new fairy.
But no luck today.
So I went about my morning chores feeling quite disappointed.
I had all but given up and as I hanging out the wash something caught my eye.
Sure enough, sleeping in the flower bed (how appropriate) was a tiny baby one fast asleep.
How cute is this?
I did not disturb her.
I was afraid that if I touched her, maybe her mother would abandon her.
So I let her sleep.
I don't know what they call her.
Probably Sweet Baby Fae.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Can you believe it?

I thought I had seen all of them. But no, apparently not.
Last evening when I was taking in the night air, there appeared yet another smaller fae.
I was sitting on the porch and I heard a rustling of old dried leaves.
Then I saw a sparkle and sure enough another one.
She had red hair as well, but her wings...her wings were shiny copper.
We looked straight as each other and I don't
know who was more surprised.
Me or her.

Her name is Amber.

She did not stay long. Like the fairies before her, she was gone in a flash.

Fly away sweet one...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

And yet another...

Click photo to see her on Ebay

I felt a flutter on my eye lashes today upon waking.
There she was, all dressed in green with
beautiful red hair.


Come to find out, that was a Fairy kiss.
Ever been kissed by a Fairy?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Another one..see? I told you they like it here.

Click on the image to see her on ebay.

Another day another fairy. She was sleeping in the flower bed. I'm not sure why she is so dressed up but my doesn't she have her finest on? Her name is Elise. She is 6 inches tall. She wears lace slippers and has vintage flowers in her hair. Sorry I disturbed you, Elise. Fly away now...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Look who visited me today...

Here she is ...
Primrose of Oliver Glen.